Sunday, September 6, 2009

Here is an email from Jaco dated August 11.

Hello my dear friends in Bishop,

How are you all doing? How did the trips go and what are you all up to? How is it going in the SOAR-house? How is it going with the new base?

Thanks for the cards and e-mails!

I'm doing good. I'm staying in a rehab-place for 4 weeks now and learning to go around with my handicap. Learning to transfer between my bed and the wheelchair by myself and doing fitness to get more and more strength in my arm and shoulders. It's amazing how quickly the strength in my arm and shoulders is coming back. My hands are also improving but very slowly and some small muscles inside my hand are not (yet) working. It's sometimes hard to realize that I have to go around in a wheelchair and not just able to go running, climbing or whatever. I really miss it to be around with you guys, it was such a good and fun time. But the best time still has to come; eternity!

I'm curious where you're all up to the coming time, finding Gods way for your life. If any of you has received a picture or word from God for me, please let me know! I'm a kind of struggling with the idea that Eline&I had received from God what things we had to do, but the accident made a lot of those things impossible. For us it kind of feels now that we have to hear from God again about our future and what He wants to teach us through this time.

I hope you're all doing good and I keep praying for you.

God is good, as He always has been!

Ciao, Jaco.

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